Debt buyers thrive on purchasing old debts for pennies on the dollar and aggressively pursuing collection. If you’ve been/being sued for more than $10,000 by one of these companies, you may be wondering: Is this legal? Are they violating my rights? The truth is many debt buyers engage in practices that cross the line into harassment and even violate federal laws.
In this article, we’ll examine the legal limits of debt collection, what constitutes harassment, and what rights you have if you’re facing a lawsuit from a debt buyer.
Debt buyer harassment occurs when a company that has purchased your old debt uses aggressive, deceptive, or illegal tactics to collect money from you. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and other consumer protection laws set clear guidelines for what debt buyers can and cannot do.
Common violations include:
If a debt buyer engages in any of these practices, they may be violating your rights.
Here are some important defenses that could help your case.
If you are facing a lawsuit or persistent harassment, taking immediate action is essential. You have the right to request validation of the debt under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which requires the debt buyer to prove that the debt is valid and legally collectible. Keeping detailed records of all communications, including phone calls and letters, can provide critical evidence if the debt buyer violates your rights.
Understanding consumer protection laws at federal and state levels will also help you recognize when a debt buyer is acting unlawfully. Taking proactive steps can help protect you from abusive debt-collection tactics and ensure you are not unfairly held accountable for an invalid or improperly pursued debt.
Debt buyers rely on intimidation and lack of consumer knowledge to collect money. If you’re being sued for over $10,000 by Midland Funding, PRA, LVNV, Velocity, or another debt buyer, don’t give up. You have options. You don’t have to stand for debt collector harassment. You can challenge their claims and protect your rights with the right strategy. Need help? Speak with a debt collection harassment attorney who can help you stop the harassment and hold wrongdoers accountable.